Duggan Home: Join
The Duggan Clan is Legendary and has roots all the way back to T.E.N. Were still alive, and up and coming!!! Its a pure privilege and honor to represent this clan and only sincere and true drunks are welcome! :) Oh ya, we dont discriminate against age! Smoke_Duggan was 11 when he first was inducted!
Membership Rules
Any person wanting in the clan must play our top 3 players before any decision is made.
All required information on the membership page will be submitted, or you don't make the page.
There will not be any MULTI-CLAN accounts being used. If your caught then you will be out.
What do you get for joining DUGGAN?
Your personal stats and infomation blasted all over our site :0
Your very own WEB PAGE!
Lots of new friends!
Respect and admiration from many TA players all over!
and more...
Where to find us !
We are always on MSN Gaming Zone
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